Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Car Parking Charges in the East Riding

When the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) set-up a review panel into car parking charges, you didn't have to be a genius to work out that recommending car parking charges in car parks that are currently free, was not going to be popular.

Still the council went on, despite widespread public anger at the charges. ERYC then held roadshows, getting feedback from the public. Surprise, surprise; the vast majority were against charges being introduced.

This scheme is a dead duck. I know that, you know that and so does the council, but they are still going to plough on and sift through all the questionnaires, log the results and the review group will meet a few more times before they give in to the inevitable.

Today, I have issued a Freedom of Information request to ERYC. I have asked them to inform me of the total cost to date of this review panel, including all the administrative costs and expenses. It will be fascinating to read their reply.

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